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Hurtado Team Dentistry
Especialistas en Rehabilitación oral y estética, implantología, endodoncia, periodoncia, ortodoncia y cirugia. Odontología general.
Dental Implants
Dental implants are the best alternative when a tooth has been lost, especially if it is an anterior tooth, they have excellent durability, adequate support structure is proven and artificially replace the roots of lost teeth, additionally prevent tooth wear neighbors or support as happens with crowns or fixed bridges. An implant can last many years according to the care of the patient and the control exercised on him by the professional. Types of implants The most common form of the implants is the root form, they can be cylindrical or conical, which have been excellent aesthetic and fixing properties, come in different lengths and diameters according to the tooth to be replaced and find additional aids such as surfaces treated with hydroxyapatite, titanium oxide, acid etching and other techniques that increase bone formation and fixation properties. There are different types of threads and attachments to improve aesthetics. There are many other forms of rehabilitation with implants, especially for overdentures, such as plate-shaped or implants joined by bars in different ways, ask your dentist the best option, he will gladly answer and execute the most appropriate treatment for your case
The implant rehabilitation process takes place in three periods, the placement of the implant, the osseointegration (period in which the implant joins the bone) and the final rehabilitation through a crown or structure selected to replace the lost tooth. After the osseointegration has been performed, approximately 6 to 8 months in the upper jaws and 4 to 6 months in the lower, a second small surgery is performed to uncover the upper part of the implant and proceed to place the abutments or abutments for the Final crown support, these pillars or supports have different forms and techniques to perform and your dentist already knows in advance which one to choose from when I request the implant to the commercial house of your choice, for which you must take into account the trajectory of the same, the guarantee offered, the quality control and the material in which the implants are made.
The patient is anesthetized and the bone is prepared to insert the implant with great technique and care, after that stitches are taken, the gum is closed and the patient is prescribed with the indicated medication. Upon arrival of the coping test, the fit, the occlusion and its adaptation with respect to the implant and to the neighboring and opposite teeth are examined, the color of the porcelain or resin to be used in the crown is selected, it is sent back to the laboratory to the a few days the form, texture, color, relationship is tested and cemented if it is completely fine. Otherwise, it is sent back to the laboratory for corrections and definitively cemented in the mouth at the next appointment. During the osseointegration process the patient remains with a provisional tooth or prosthesis that can be attached to other teeth without hurting them or reducing the dental tissue through a technique called adhesive prosthesis, which consists of joining an artificial acrylic or resin tooth to two natural teeth by means of carbon fibers or polycarbonates, aided by conventional resins. The other way is to place a provisional prosthesis over the implant area, which can be of different shapes or designs or simply keep the site without any teeth while it can be rehabilitated. The implants must be constructed of titanium, a safe and resistant material that has the property of adhering to the tooth and rehabilitated with noble materials such as gold or other nonmetals such as ceromers, a kind of resistant and highly aesthetic ceramic. Post-implant care As it is a surgical procedure, implants can become infected and although this is not very frequent, it can happen, so it is important that you follow the recommendations of your dentist in the use of antibiotics, cleaning and controls. Initially you may have some discomfort similar to what you feel when your natural tooth was extracted, which usually disappears after 7 days. Care must be taken to clean the tooth, doing it as with the natural tooth, taking care that the gum does not retract or allow plaque to accumulate, passing its dental floss and attending the controls twice a year. Cigarette smoking can be like many other factors that cause implant failure. As well as some congenital diseases or habits.
If you loss all your teeth please click here
Health Concerns
As with any surgery, complications are rare, but can include infection and mild discomfort. Although very unlikely, infection of the gums or jawbone is a possibility and is treated through medication and/or antibiotics.
Proper Maintenance
Although patients should always practice proper dental hygiene, this is especially true once a dental implant has been put into place. When teeth and gums are not properly cleaned, bacteria can attack sensitive areas, causing the gums to swell and the jawbone to gradually recede. Enough recession of the jawbone can weaken dental implants and eventually necessitate their removal. Patients should visit their dentist’s office at least twice a year in order to insure the health of your teeth and your implant. Following an implant operation, smoking should be avoided, as it impairs the gum and jawbone’s ability to heal. Given the proper care, dental implants could last 25 years or longer.