Ventajas de atenderse en hurtatotram
Hurtado Team Dentistry
Especialistas en Rehabilitación oral y estética, implantología, endodoncia, periodoncia, ortodoncia y cirugia. Odontología general.
Smile Design
The computerized smile design is done at no cost, you can send us a photo to scoestetica@yahoo.com and we will resend it with the right design for your face. This is a useful tool in the definitive treatment of the patient, who can appreciate, approve or fail the changes that will be given to his facial appearance through different aesthetic treatments. This is the patient's initial photograph, who starts her smile design treatment with orthodontics.
Once this is completed, in about 18 months, we enter the esthetic phase, which involves three fundamental: periodontal surgery Dental whitening, and retouching of some teeth, using resins. The patient manifests many doubts about the treatment, so he decides to perform the computerized smile design, thus seeking an approximation to the treatment proposed by the group of professionals of the clinic. In this case we use Photo Shop. In about 15 minutes the patient has a very close idea of what their treatment will be. With the design program he performs the treatment of orthodontics, periodontics and complete tooth whitening. The patient's appearance changes considerably and no longer has any doubts Something very important in the design of the computerized smile is not the creation of false expectations of the patient, nor make changes that can not be achieved with the treatments they offer, especially when involving periodontal tissues in aesthetic cases with the use of implants or Fixed prostheses. Likewise, it is very necessary to make models, intraoral models, diagnostic waxes or any other help that is required for the patient to observe the changes with the mayor's accuracy. At ScoeS we do it at no cost to those interested. For more information contact us at info@hurtadoteamdentistry.com